If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram then you know I recently did the Proverbs31daychallenge with @JeanineAmapola and it was so so good.
It was so good I wanted to share what I took away from it, and let you in on the notes and practices I think can come from this! To see my bible and more notes you can go to my Instagram with the link at the bottom:)
I challenge you to read all the verses I mention, but definelty pick one takeaway that you like and really focus on it. Why is it speaking to you? Do you need God’s help? What are you lacking to fully do that takeaway? Pray and meditate on the verses I list.
My main takeaways in Proverbs:
Fear the Lord (Fear: in awe, reverence, having a healthy respect of/for…)
Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 3:7, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 9:10 and so so much more. To fear the lord is to hate what he hates, have a healthy respect for him, and fully know and grasp his power.
Surround yourself with good people
Proverbs 1:10-16, Proverbs 8:14, Proverbs 11:14-15, Proverbs 24:6. Community is SOO important. Im sure you’ve heard in society “the 5 people you hang around are who you become”, well here it is in the Bible almost the exact way. We need a community in Christ, but also we need to surround ourself with good people to help us stay focused and on the right track
To gain wisdom, you must listen
Proverbs 2:10, Proverbs 2:16-22, Proverbs 3:19-20, Proverbs 4:4. Listen and then apply the word! We can’t just sit around hoping that wisdom will come find us. Thats not how it works.
The Lord is trustworthy
Proverbs 15. God doesn’t miss a thing!
Iron sharpens Iron
Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 27:23. Again, community comes in to play.
God loves a cheerful giver
Proverbs 11: 25-31, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 13:7. That last verse is very important. Don’t boats in your money. To be a cheerful giver is to give to those who need it because you have recognized God has blessed you, you’ve been humbled by it, and want to give back to those who don’t have.
God loves an honest prayer
Proverbs 30. This prayer is real and raw “I am weary, God..” vs. 1. When we pray God doesn’t want it to be scripted or only during the good times, he wants it to be real, how we truly feel.
Remember our place
Proverbs 30:11-12. When we rememberer where we stand in comparison to God,k its harder to talk bad about others, because we fall short too!
Our heart and character is what calls us to be praised
Proverbs 31, mainly 31:30-31. In this last chapter the woman goes to God and resets. She is clothed in God’s word everywhere she goes. This has become my prayer.
Now this was just a short look inside what all Proverbs has! If you haven’t, I definelty recommend reading it and seeing what you can get out of it. This Bible, especially Proverbs, is filled with so much good information and knowledge.
If you want to hear Proverbs being read and listen in to some different perspectives, go to @JeanineAmapola on Instagram and watch her lives. She invites other people to come on and speak with her throughout different days, and it is so refreshing to hear her thoughts and new thoughts!
As always, never hesitate to reach out! Even if its just to say hey. Comment any questions below, direct message me on Instagram, or email me at thelifeofkagie@gmail.com
– KaGie♥