As I am traveling more and more, my phone has become my right hand man in a way! It’s been fun to try out more travel apps and I’m trying to figure them all out.. but I have 5 favorite ones that I ALWAYS use.
5 of My Favorite Travel Apps
This app is my go to on plane rides, and it ONLY works on plane rides. Using the wifi from the plane, you can watch movies and tv shows from the comfort of the air.
I fly all of these when traveling, it varies! I love having the apps, because then I can check in and have my ticket right there with me. Also, some of these have movies and tv you can watch while flying so then you don’t have to download the app I previously mentioned.
SOLID JOYS | Daily Devotionals
I love this app. It gives a quick bible verse and devotional each day. It walks through the verse, gives context and its quick and easy. You can favorite your favorite days, and then go back and reread them on a later date. It makes it super easy to get in the word before your feet even hit the ground!

I have only recently started listening to podcasts. As I am driving long distance more and more, podcasts have become a great avenue for me. My favorite3 currently is by Sadie Robertson, her, WHOA That’s Good Podcast. I definitely recommend! I also am looking for recommendations, so please feel free to comment below some good podcasts!

Obviously this is great to have for the directional aspect, but there’s more to it. My favorite part of this app on my phone is you can “favorite” places, and then place them in different categories. I currently have 2 categories “my places” and “blog stops”! This helps me log places in my phone, and depending on what I’m wanting to do I can click the category and go!
